Publications List
- Orly Stern, Women and War Economies, Edward Elgar, Publication date: April 2025.
- Orly Stern, Women and Cross-Border Trade in Africa During Times of Conflict, XCEPT, Cross-Border Conflict Evidence / Policy / Trends, 2024.
- Orly Stern and Clare Brown, ‘After al-Shabaab: The Experiences of Children Leaving the Group’, Produced for UNICEF, 2023.
- Orly Stern and Clare Brown, ‘Life in the Ranks: The Experiences of Children Recruited by al-Shabaab’, Produced for UNICEF, 2023.
- Orly Stern and Clare Brown, ‘Mainstreaming Atrocity Prevention: Seeing Fragility, Conflict, and Violence Programming through an Atrocity Prevention Lens‘, Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict, 2022.
- ‘Orly Stern and Clare Brown, ‘Child Recruitment by al-Shabaab’, Produced for UNICEF, 2022.
- Orly Stern and Catherine Peterson, ‘Assisting Women Formerly Associated with al-Shabaab: A Proposed Approach to Programming‘, Produced for the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office, 2022.
- Orly Stern, ‘al-Shabaab’s Gendered Economy’, Produced for the Rehabilitation Support Team and British Embassy in Somalia, 2021.
- Sif Heide-Ottosen and Orly Stern, ‘PSEA Risk Assessment: Somalia and Somaliland‘, Produced for UNICEF, 2021.
- Jeni Klugman, Robet Nagel, Mara Redlich Revkin and Orly Stern, ‘Can the Women, Peace and Security Agenda and International Humanitarian Law Join Forces? Emerging Findings and Promising Directions‘, Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security, 2020.
- Orly Stern, ‘Married in the Shadows: The Wives of al-Shabaab‘, Produced for the Rehabilitation Support Team and British Embassy in Somalia, 2020.
- Orly Stern, ‘A Dangerous Cocktail: Coronavirus and War‘, Medium, 2020.
- Orly Stern, ‘The Invisible Women of al-Shabaab’, Produced for the Rehabilitation Support Team and British Embassy in Somalia, 2019.
- Orly Stern, ‘Mapping of Existing ID Systems and Security Checks (Aid Worker Passport)’, Produced for DFID and Justice Studio, 2019,
- Orly Stern, ‘Gender, Conflict and International Humanitarian Law: A Critique of the Principle of Distinction‘, Routledge, 2018.
- Orly Stern and Rebecca Sutton, ‘International Humanitarian Law‘, in Humanitarianism: A Dictionary of Concepts, Routledge, 2018.
- Orly Stern, ‘A Gendered Assessment of Stability in Jordan’, Prepared for the British Embassy in Amman, 2018.
- ‘Two Nearly Identical Cases of Sex Abuse: Two Very Different Responses‘, The New Humanitarian, 2018.
- ‘Shades of Grey in ‘Sexual Exploitation and Abuse’, Blog post for London School of Economics, Centre for Women, Peace and Security, 2018.
- ‘War is Not The only Violence Shaping Women’s Experiences in Iraq‘, Blog posting for London School of Economics, Centre for Women, Peace and Security, 2017.
- Orly Stern, ‘Case Study: UNDP Rule of Law Iraq’s Interventions on Sexual and Gender Based Violence’, Prepared for UNDP, 2017.
- Orly Stern, ‘Desk Review: The Provision of Mobile Legal Aid’, Prepared for UNDP Iraq, 2016.
- Anna Borovecki, Jonina Einarsdottir, Donal O’Mathúna, Paulina Pospieszna and Orly Stern O, ‘20 Years of the Code of Conduct of ICRC – What do we Need to Improve?’ The Lancet Correspondence, Vol 385, 2015.
- Orly Stern, ‘Community Policing Forums and Neighbourhood Watches in the Context of Gang Violence: The Case of Lavender Hill‘. Produced for the Safety and Violence Initiative, University of Cape Town, 2015.
- ‘South Sudan Gender Country Profile‘, Produced for SIDA (the Swedish Embassy in Juba), 2015.
- ‘Guidance Note on Safety and Security of Survivors of Gender Based Violence in Humanitarian Settings in South Sudan’, Produced for United Nations Population Fund, 2015.
- Orly Stern and Lydia Stone, ‘Report on the Assessment of the Special Protection Units of the South Sudan National Police Service’, Produced for DFID, 2014.
- Orly Stern, ‘Improving Local Justice Processes and Outcomes for Women and Girls Affected by Violence and Discrimination: A Review of Promising Interventions‘, Produced for the World Bank, 2014.
- ‘Women’s Security and the Law in South Sudan’, Human Security Baseline Assessment, Small Arms Survey, 2012.
- Orly Stern and Marina Reyskens, ‘Information Communication Technology and Peacebuilding in Northern Uganda’, Produced for the World Bank and Institute for Security Studies, 2012.
- Orly Stern and Marina Reyskens, ‘Information Communication Technology and Peacebuilding in South Sudan’, Produced for the World Bank and Institute for Security Studies, 2012.
- Friederike Bubenzer and Orly Stern (editors) ‘Hope, Pain and Patience, The Lives of Women in South Sudan’, Fanele, Jacana Media, 2011.
- Orly Stern, ‘This is How Marriage Happens Sometimes’: Women and Marriage in South Sudan‘, in Friederike Bubenzer and Orly Stern (editors) Hope, Pain and Patience, The Lives of Women in South Sudan, Fanele, Jacana Media, 2011.
- Orly Stern, ‘I was Once Lost’: South Sudanese Women in the Diaspora, in Friederike Bubenzer and Orly Stern (editors) Hope, Pain and Patience, The Lives of Women in South Sudan, Fanele, Jacana Media, 2011.
- Orly Stern, ‘Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration and the Informal Economic Sector: The Central African Republic‘, Produced for Institute for Security Studies and the World Bank, 2011.
- Rebecca Hodes, Orly Stern and Jennifer Thorpe, ‘The Making of the South African Sexual Offences Act (2007): A study of Structure and Agency in the Politics of a Women’s Rights Coalition in a Young Democracy‘, Developmental Leadership Programme, 2011.
- ‘HIV in Emergencies: A Review of the Literature’, Produced for the United Nations Development Programme, 2011.
- ‘Integrating HIV into Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration: South Sudan Desk Review’, Produced for the United Nations Development Programme and the United Nations Populations Fund, 2010.
- Gary Barker, Ellen Weiss and Orly Stern, ‘Engaging Men to Prevent and Mitigate Gender-Based Violence in Post-Conflict Settings in Sub-Saharan Africa’, Produced for the World Bank, 2010.
- Michael Flood, Dean Peacock, Orly Stern, Gary Barker and Allan Greig, ‘Policy Approaches to Involving Men and Boys in Achieving Gender Equality and Health Equity, World Health Organisation, 2010.
- ‘South Africa Report for the 54th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women‘, Sonke Gender Justice, 2010.
- ‘Working with Men and Boys: Emerging Strategies from Across Africa to Address Gender-based Violence and HIV/AIDS‘, Sonke Gender Justice and the MenEngage Network, Editors: Orly Stern, Dean Peacock, Helen Alexander, 2009.